Can You be on Your parents car insurance if You Don't live With Them (updated 2024)

Can You be on Your parents car insurance if You Don’t live With Them (updated 2024)

Yes, you can generally stay on your parents’ car insurance policy as a listed driver, even if you live in a different state for as a college student or as work/job purpose. Generally, car insurance covers “permissive use”, meaning whenever you lend your car to a relative to drive occasionally, it comes under “permissive use”.

However, it is also important to understand that if you do not live with your parents, do you live somewhere else in the same state or do you live in a different state, because the transport rule regulation and required coverage regulation are also different for each state. And the car insurance policy works accordingly.

Related Article: Can My Car Be Registered In One State And Insured In Another State?

Can I Be on My Parent’s Car Insurance if I Don’t live With Them But living in Same State?

See, if you and your parents are living in two different cities or places in the same state, and you are thinking of using your parent’s car in your current city, then many questions might be coming in your mind that You should either take out a separate car insurance or continue with your parent’s car insurance policy.

So in this situation, you have to understand that if you have temporarily gone to another city for work or studies for a few days, then you can continue with your parent’s car insurance policy. But if your permanent address has changed but the state is the same and if the car is also in your name, then you should take a separate car insurance policy.

Also Read: Does Car Insurance Cover Accidents In Other States?

Can I Be on My Parent’s Car Insurance if i live in a different state?

If in the name of studies, you have gone away from your parents’ home to another state for some time or you are living in another state for job but after some time you have to return to your home permanently, then you can use your parent’s or someone else’s car in other states as a Permissive User, but there is a limit on Permissive User, according to, you can drive your parent’s or someone else’s car only up to a certain number. This number varies from policy to policy and usually happens 12 times a year1.

But if you have permanently moved to another state, then you should take a new car insurance policy. If the car is in your name then it is good but if the car is also in your parent’s name then you should get your name transferred in the registration document of the car also.

Things to consider before lending car to family member out of states

Lending a car to a family member who is out of state requires careful consideration to ensure that both parties are protected legally and financially. Here are some things to consider before lending a car to a family member in another state:

  • Licensing and driving record: Ensure the borrower has a valid driver’s license and a good driving record.
  • Purpose and duration of use: Know how the car will be used, where it will be driven, and for how long. If the borrower plans to use the car regularly, consider adding them to your insurance policy as a regular user.
  • Insurance coverage: Check your insurance policy for permissive use limits and ensure you are adequately covered.
  • Vehicle condition: Ensure your car is in good condition before lending it.
  • Documentation: Provide the borrower with a copy of the vehicle registration and insurance policy, and ask them to write down their purpose for using the car and where it will be used.
  • Communication: Remind the borrower that they are the only one allowed to drive the car.
  • Emissions laws: If the borrower is driving the car back to their home state, be aware of any emissions requirements in that state.

Must Read: Does Car Insurance Cover Accidents When You Lend Your Car?

Can I be on my parents’ car insurance if I’m married?

Yes, you can stay on your parent’s car insurance even after you’re married, as long as you and your spouse share the same primary residence as your parents. Your spouse can also be added to your parent’s auto policy as a driver if they live in the same house2.

How does car insurance work with divorced parents?

Car insurance for divorced parents and their children involves several key considerations. If the child lives with both parents and has access to vehicles at both homes, both parents should add the child as a driver to their individual policies.

If the child lives with one parent and only visits the other occasionally, the custodial parent should inform their insurance company about the child’s driving status and ensure they are covered by the appropriate policy.

It’s essential for both parents to communicate and involve their insurance companies to ensure the child has proper coverage, as some insurance companies may offer discounts for insuring multiple vehicles or for having multiple drivers.

Can i drive my parents’ car without being on their insurance?

No, you cannot legally drive your parent’s car without insurance even if you have a driving license. However, if you occasionally use their car with their permission, their insurance usually covers you. But if you’re going to start driving one of your parents’ cars on a regular basis, you’ll need to be included or named in their auto insurance.


  1. Thezebra ↩︎
  2. libertymutual ↩︎


How long can i drive my parents car in another state?

There is no specific time limit for how long you can drive your parents’ car in another state. However, if you are going to start driving their car regularly, you will need to be added or named on their auto insurance policy.

What is the age limit to remain under your parent’s car insurance?

There is no specific age limit to remain under your parents’ car insurance. As long as your parents’ home is your permanent residence, you can generally remain on their insurance as a listed driver, regardless of your age.

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