Does Pregnancy Affect Car Insurance?

Does Pregnancy Affect Car Insurance? (Updated Guidelines 2024)

Pregnancy itself typically does not directly affect car insurance rates. Insurance companies generally do not use pregnancy as a factor in determining car insurance premiums. Car insurance rates are typically based on factors such as your driving history, the type of car you drive, your location, and other personal factors.

Can A Pregnant Women Drive A Car?

In general, pregnant women can continue to drive a car during pregnancy, and many women do so without any issues. Driving during pregnancy depends entirely on individual health and doctor’s advice. Ensure proper seatbelt use, take breaks on long trips, and consult with a healthcare provider if there are specific health concerns.

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Try not to drive in the last week of pregnancy and if possible, do not travel alone during the entire pregnancy. Travel only with a family member so that you do not face any problems in case of any emergency.

What Happens If A Pregnant Woman Gets In A Car Accident?

If a pregnant woman gets in a car accident, both her and the unborn child’s health and safety are at risk. Car accidents during pregnancy can have serious consequences, including miscarriage, pre-term labor, birth defects, and maternal shock.

Pregnant women involved in a car accident should seek medical attention immediately, as even minor accidents can have effects on the pregnancy and the unborn child.

Emotional trauma can also affect the unborn child’s health. If the accident was due to someone else’s negligence, legal action for compensation may be pursued.

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What Is The Average Settlement For A Car Accident While Pregnant?

However, if a pregnant woman is involved in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, she may be entitled to a higher settlement amount due to the special risks and complications associated with pregnancy.

The average settlement for a car accident while pregnant is approximately $15,000, but this can vary based on the accident’s severity, sustained injuries, delivery-related costs, maternal employment, and pregnancy complications. Pregnant women may be entitled to recover damages such as lost wages, reduced earning capacity, mental anguish, and medical expenses.

However, there will also be a separate payment of approximately $3200 for property damage. Apart from this, the rate of compensation for body insurance and property damage may be different in different states. In Texas, there is an average compensation provision of $21,000 just for bodily insurance.

Must Read: Does Car Insurance Cover Accidents In Other States?

Can You Get Car Insurance While Pregnant

Yes, you can absolutely get car insurance while pregnant. Pregnancy itself is not a factor that typically affects the eligibility for or the ability to obtain car insurance.

When applying for or renewing car insurance, the key factors considered by insurance companies usually include your driving history, the type of car you own, your location, and other personal factors.

As long as you meet the standard criteria set by the insurance provider, being pregnant should not impact your ability to secure car insurance coverage.

Do I Need To Let My car Insurance Know I’m Pregnant?

You generally do not need to inform your car insurance company that you are pregnant. Car insurance needs a heads-up when your child becomes a driver, your habits shift, or your family outgrows current coverage. Open communication ensures everyone’s protected, now and later!

Does Car Insurance Cover Pregnancy If I Have Involved In Any Accident?

If you drive a car during pregnancy and your car meets with an accident with another car, then if the accident is the fault of the other driver, then the other driver will be responsible for your medical treatment and the repair of your car.

But for this you may have to file a law suit. If that driver has a liability car insurance policy, then the insurance company of that driver will pay up to the insurance policy limit.

And if the driver does not have any car insurance then he will be liable to cover the entire cost of your treatment and car repair at his own expense.

And if you have liability car insurance along with collision coverage and personal injury protection (PIP), a collision car policy will cover the cost of repairing your own car. And personal injury protection (PIP) will cover the cost of your own medical treatment.

Therefore, while taking car insurance, do not just take liability coverage. Always have Collision, Comprehensive and Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage along with liability coverage.

Also Read: How Much Does Car Insurance Cover In An Accident?




Q.1 Are there any discounts or considerations for pregnant women when it comes to car insurance?

There are no specific discounts or considerations for pregnant women when it comes to car insurance. You may qualify for a number of discounts, including employer group discounts, good driver discounts, or military and federal employee discounts

Q.2 Will adding a child seat or other safety features for a baby affect my car insurance rates?

Adding a child seat or other safety features for a baby may not necessarily result in a direct discount on your car insurance rates, but it can indirectly contribute to overall safety and potentially influence your rates in the long run.

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