person in car with a girl

Should I Put My Partner (GF/BF/Fiancé) On My Car Insurance?

Whether you should add your partner/fiancé to your car insurance or not? What are the pros and cons of it? and under what conditions you should add your partner/fiancé to your car insurance, and under what conditions you should avoid it.

Can this cause any legal complications? If you also have many such questions in your mind, then in this article we will explain all those important aspects in detail so that it will become clear to you whether you should add your partner (GF/BF/Fiancé) to your car insurance policy or not.

Do I really need to put my Partner (GF/BF/Fiancé) on my car insurance?

For this, we will also have to see what the insurance policy and its terms and conditions say, and whether the government of that particular state has any separate guidelines regarding this.

Well, we can add our partner to our car insurance policy, and there is nothing illegal in it. But for this, we have to understand whether we really need to add or not.

For this, many points need to be kept in mind, which are as follows:

Things to consider before adding your partner to your car insurance

Do you have to live in the same house for car insurance?

Whether or not you need to live with your partner in the same house for car insurance depends on the insurance company and your state’s laws. Some insurance companies will require you to add your partner to your policy if they live with you, regardless of whether or not they drive your car frequently. Other insurance companies may allow you to keep separate policies, even if you live together.

If you and your partner live together, it might be a good idea to add them to your car insurance policy. Insurance companies often consider people living in the same household as having regular access to each other’s vehicles.

Is your partner a good driver?

Consider your partner’s driving habits and record. If they have a good driving history, adding them to your policy may not significantly impact your premium. On the other hand, if they have a poor driving record, it could lead to an increase in your premiums.

How often does your partner drive your car?

If your partner rarely drives your car, whether he lives with you or not, then you do not need to add him to your car insurance in this condition.

Financial Considerations:

Adding another person to your insurance policy can affect your premium. It’s essential to consider the financial aspect and determine if the potential increase in cost is manageable for both of you.

Ownership of Vehicles:

If you both own separate vehicles, you may need to discuss whether it makes more sense to have individual policies for each car or a joint policy that covers both vehicles.

Insurance Company Policies:

Different insurance companies may have varying policies regarding adding a partner to a policy. It’s advisable to contact your insurance provider to understand their specific guidelines and any potential implications.

In some regions, insurance laws may require you to add members of your household to your policy, especially if they have regular access to your vehicle.

Coverage Needs:

Consider your coverage needs. If you and your partner frequently share driving responsibilities and vehicles, having them on your policy ensures coverage in case of an accident.

What Is the Permissive Use Clause In Car Insurance?

Some insurance companies provide a permissible use clause in their car insurance policies. According to this clause, if your partner drives your car less than 10 times in a year with your permission, then your partner is automatically included in your car insurance without any addition.

But this clause is applicable only when this specific condition is followed:-

  • You both should not be members of the same household.
  • Your partner should not have bad driving experience.
  • If your partner have own insurance.
  • Car only be used for personal thing, not for Business use.

Reasons to Put Your Partner On Your Car Insurance Policy

  • If you live together and mostly share the vehicle.
  • If you don’t live together but still mostly share the vehicle.
  • Both have their own vehicles and want to combine their insurance. This is the best advisable way for multi-discounting and saving your premium.
  • If your partner don’t have own insurance. Because in this scenario Permissive Use Clause is not applicable.

When Not to Add Your Partner to Your Car Insurance Policy

  • If your partner doesn’t drive your vehicle regularly. In this scenario, living together or not does not matter.
  • If both of you have separate cars and your partner’s car is more expensive than your car, In this situation, if you add your partner to your car insurance, your premium will increase.
  • If your partner has a bad driving record, then it is a greater risk factor for insurance companies to calculate the insurance premium. In such a situation, avoid adding your partner to your car insurance; otherwise, your premium will increase.
  • If your partner has a bad credit score, then avoid adding them to your car insurance; otherwise, your insurance premium rates will increase.
  • If your partner has less than 9 years of driving experience. Less driving experience is also a cause of increasing insurance premium rates.
  • If your partner has recently been in an accident or has been involved in or caused an accident in the last three years. This is too high a risk factor that will increase your insurance premiums.

Do You Have to Be Married to Share Car Insurance?

No, you do not need to be married to share car insurance. In fact, anyone who is a resident of the same household and regularly drives the insured vehicle can be added to the policy as a driver. This includes roommates, partners, family members, and even friends.

Can listing additional drivers impact your premium?

Yes, listing additional drivers on your car insurance policy can impact your premium. When you add extra drivers to the policy, the insurance company takes into account each driver’s individual factors, such as their age, driving history, and experience. If the additional drivers are considered at higher risk (for example, if they have a history of accidents or traffic violations or poor driving records), it may result in an increase in the overall premium for the policy.

Pros and cons of adding your domestic partner to your car insurance

Adding your domestic partner to your car insurance policy can have both advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons:


  • Cost savings: Many insurance companies offer discounts for multiple drivers on the same policy. If your partner has a clean driving record, adding them to your policy could save you money.
  • Convenience: Having both of you on the same policy can make it easier to manage your insurance coverage. You’ll only have one bill to pay and one policy to keep track of.
  • Comprehensive coverage: If you share a car, adding your partner to the policy ensures they are covered if they are involved in an accident.
  • Financial security: If your partner doesn’t have their own insurance, adding them to your policy can provide them with financial protection in case of an accident.


  • Increased premium: Adding any driver to your policy will likely increase your premium, even if they have a clean driving record. The amount of the increase will depend on your partner’s age, driving experience, and driving record.
  • Higher risk: Adding a driver, especially a young or inexperienced one, increases the risk of an accident for the insurance company. This can lead to a higher premium for you.
  • Shared liability: If your partner is at fault in an accident, you could be held financially responsible for the damage.


Before making a decision, it’s recommended to discuss this with your insurance provider. They can provide specific information based on your individual circumstances and help you make an informed choice.

Additionally, shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurance companies can also be beneficial in finding the best rates and coverage for your situation.

Also Read: – What Happens If You Have The Wrong Address On Your Car Insurance?


can you add nonfamily members to car insurance?

Yes, you can usually add non-family members to your car insurance policy, as long as they meet your insurance company’s requirements, like good driving records, having a valid driving license, and drives your vehicle regularly.

who can I put on my car insurance?

You can put anyone like your brother, sister, mother, father, girlfriend, boyfriend, fiance, friend even a nonfamily member in your Car Insurance if they have a valid driving license.


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